At this point my blog became a haul blog instead of a lolita blog.
Who cares?
Last days one more package arrived. Finally Princess Cat is here! It is so gorgeous in person! It has cute details everywhere! My favorite one is the lacy detail in the sides of the sleeves, giving some transparency. I also got its headbow.
Besides the set, I got another Gothic & Lolita Bible (7th issue) and the 'Lolita in Tokyo Wonderland', which is a guide for the best places to go in Tokyo if you are a lolita. It was a bargain because the cover is damaged by sun, but again, who cares? It has some informations in english, which is awesome because I left the japanese studies (but I should try to study as soon as depression stops hitting me).
I just have the impression my little lolita library is one of the biggest lolita book collections in Brazil.
If it isn't until now, soon it will be, because there's more 4 lolita books to arrive :p