Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chile,day 2 - Monster Fantasy ~ Bows Lolita Convention

No dia 20 de outubro se realizou, em Santiago-Chile, o evento lolita organizado pela Bows Magazine, chamado Monster Fantasy. Às 4pm, horário local, deu-se início ao evento no glamouroso Palácio Círculo Español, o qual em pouco tempo já estava lotado de lolitas flutuando pelos ricos estandes, que mesclavam marcas nacionais, internacionais e a marca convidada, Angelic Pretty.

On October 20th, the Lolita event organized by Bows Magazine, called Monster Fantasy, was held in Santiago, Chile. At 4pm, local time, the event began at the glamorous Palacio Círculo Español, which in a short period of time was already crowded with lolitas floating around the gorgeous booths that mixed national and international brands and the invited brand, Angelic Pretty.
Palácio Circulo Español

Eve and I near the entrance. Photo by

In the beginning of the event
Enchanted Dream Wear booth
Starting the event, many lolitas gathered to buy AP Paris' items. In some moments it was like, impossible to get near!

It was so much luck to take a picture of the stand without no one near; it was in the raffle's time.

Eu fui uma das compradoras também, e consegui meu tão sonhado Holy Lantern!
I was one of the shopping girls too, and I bought my so dreamed Holy Lantern!

Eu fiquei muito contente de poder fazer um outfit que combinasse com o do meu namorado. Fiquei costurando por dias a fio pra fazer a roupa dele, e até que gostei do resultado!

I was very happy to be able to make an outfit that matches my boyfriend's. I was sewing for days to make his clothes, and I think I liked the result!

Foto por
My outfit:
Witch hat: selfmade
Cape: selfmade
Blouse: offbrand
Jsk: Twinkle Carnival - Angelic Pretty
Otks: Twinkle Carnival - Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet
Bracelets: offbrand

His outfit:
Tricorn: selfmade
Pin: present from Glória Copetillo
Blouse: Selfmade (by me obviously haha)
Vest: selfmade
Pants: selfmade
Shoes: offbrand
Sash: Angelic Pretty

Durante a entrada, houve tempo para as lolitas aproveitarem os estandes, os quais estavam recheados de itens maravilhosos! Um dos mais disputados foi o da Angelic Pretty Paris, que ficou praticamente o tempo todo cheio de meninas fazendo compras. A "multidão" só se dissipou um pouco dos estandes durante os sorteios que iam acontecendo.

During the entrance, there was time for the lolitas to enjoy the booths, which were full of wonderful items! One of the most disputed ones was the Angelic Pretty Paris booth, which was almost all the time full of girls doing shopping. The "crowd" only dissipated a little from the booths during the raffles that were going on.

Além dos estandes, o evento contou com uma obra da artista Annabelle di Vilches, onde os convidados poderiam interagir e tirar fotos. Meu namorado e eu aproveitamos para tirar fotos juntos!

In addition to the booths, the event featured a work by the artist Annabelle di Vilches, where guests could interact and take photos. My boyfriend and I took the time to take pictures together!
Credits: Urograd Photography

Credits: Urograd Photography

Em uma determinada hora, Minori subiu ao palco para conversar com todos. Em seguida, ela foi para seu estande, onde os convidados podiam comprar seus produtos, tirar fotos e pegar autógrafos.

At a certain time, Minori took the stage to talk to everyone. Then she went to her booth where guests could buy her products, take pictures and get autographs.

Quando a hora do desfile chegou, todos sentaram em suas mesas para prestigiar o desfile. As marcas nacionais e internacionais abriram o desfile, com roupas e acessórios deslumbrantes. Ao final, foi a vez da marca convidada, Angelic Pretty, desfilar seus modelos.

When the time of the fashion show came, everyone sat at their tables to see it. The national and international brands opened the catwalk, with gorgeous clothes and accessories. In the end, it was the turn of the invited brand, Angelic Pretty, to show their clothes and accessories.

Após o desfile aconteceu a Dinner Party, com direito a entrada, prato principal e sobremesa para os convidados. Houveram opções para quem era vegano e celíaco também.  E para fechar o evento, a escolha do melhor outfit pela Angelic Pretty Paris e Minori.

After the fashion show we had the Dinner Party, with entrée, main course and dessert for the guests. There were options for those who were vegan and celiac too. And to close the event, the choice of the best outfit by Minori and Angelic Pretty Paris and Minori.

O evento foi muito legal e muito bem organizado! Gostaria de deixar meu profundo agradecimento à equipe do Monster Fantasy e à Comunidade Chilena, que nos acolheram de braços abertos e mesmo com a barreira do idioma foram super receptivos e atenciosos - foi muito divertido e por vezes engraçado usar português, inglês e espanhol nas conversas haha. Um agradecimento especial à José Domingo Pérez Barrios, da Urograd Photography, por ter gentilmente cedido as fotografias que serão usadas no artigo da Kera - seu trabalho é maravilhoso! Por favor visitem! (clique aqui)

The event was very cool and very well organized! I would like to express my deepest thanks to the Monster Fantasy team and the Chilean community, who welcomed us with open arms and even with the language barrier they were very receptive and attentive - it was fun to use Portuguese, English and Spanish in conversations haha. And a special thank you to José Domingo Pérez Barrios, from Urograd Photography, for kindly providing the photographs that will be used in Kera's article - his work is wonderful! Please take a look at it! (click here)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Angelic Pretty haul ~ october

Dois dias antes de ir para o Chile meus pacotes chegaram! Se você é minha amiga no Facebook deve ter visto.
Two days before travelling to Chile, my packages arrived! If you are my friend on FB you should have seen.

Rose Toilette OP + canotier - Angelic Pretty
Milky-chan the fawn jsk + kc - Angelic Pretty
Daydream Carnival kc and socks - Angelic Pretty
Princess logo knee socks - Angelic Pretty
Lady Rose OTKs - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Pony OTKs - Angelic Pretty
Melty Chocolate headband - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Pony Bangle - Angelic Pretty
Dream Ribbon Necklace - Angelic Pretty
Color scheme heart charm wristcuffs - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Carnival totebag from e-mook - Angelic Pretty

and the two non AP things:
Two Swimmer rings and Lolita Fashion Book.

Can you tell what is my favorite brand? haha