Sunday, October 9, 2022

[OOTD] Picnic in the forest~

Outfit I am wearing today for a picnic with friends in the forest~

Hat: customized by me
Blouse: thrifted/ customized by me
OP: Floral OP - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Customized by me

I made so many friends since I moved! Today I went out with them for a super magical breakfast in the forest!
The initial idea was to do a picnic in the afternoon, but as today the weather forecast says it will rain, we decided to do a breakfast instead - that super looked like a picnic!
I made my signature strawberry cheesecake to our breakfast!
We ate a lot and talked a lot too! It was super fun!

I can't wait for the next breakfast or picnic! 


  1. Oh I'm so happy, that sounds awesome!🥰 Now I'm craving for strawberry cheesecake🙈

  2. Estava super fofa como sempre! E eu me auto convido a provar esse cheesecake no futuro, parece delicioso! Semana passada eu estava com vontade de comer e comprei algumas fatias aqui perto, mas estava tão seco que me deu tristeza, essa foto renovou minhas esperanças. Hahaha

    1. Obrigada!!! Ah, está super convidada quando tivermos a chance!

  3. Que coord mais lindo! Ficou ainda mais adorável com o combo de chapéu+bolsa de palha <3

    Teu cheesecake tá com um aspecto delicioso, dá muita vontade de provar *---*


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