Saturday, December 21, 2019

10 things you can't live without in lolita

The 6th day's challenge is: 10 things I can't live without in lolita!

1. Internet

How do you buy things without internet? How can I talk to my friends from other countries without the internet? Internet is like 90% of what makes the hobby go forward, from buying things, interacting, researching, new trends ... Everything revolves around the internet!

2. Money

Lolita is a money-consuming hobbie! Even trying to stay on a budget and searching for bargains, you still need the money.

3. Makeup

I hate to put the "concrete" on my face, and in everyday life I avoid it, but when it comes to lolita I think it's indispensable to wear makeup, at least for me and my case; In your case, your problem. Another very important thing is to wash the brushes, in order to avoid a rampant acne.

4. A decent Petticoat

Because petticoat is the key to the whole thing being good!

5. Phone

 A pic of my actual phone from my mom's phone. Her camera is the worse!

I can't live without the camera and stickers of my favorite apps! I just imagine me ten years ago seeing the me of today put original stickers of Imai Kira and London Sirosaki on my lolita photos!

6. Lolita inspired decoration

I can't live in a place that isn't decorated! Even my most stupid little things I like to decorate or make them pink, or both.

7. Magazines

I always need inspiration, and as my favorite lolita phase has passed, I like to flip through the magazines of that time and feel like I'm back then.

8. Brand

I can't live without brand! Because I got in lolita for this: to surround myself with old Angelic Pretty prints.
If you do not like it, ok, but I love and live for it. If you think my outfits are not creative enough for using too much brand, I am sorry to say that I give a total of zero fucks for this, since I dress for myself and not for you.

9. A rainbow of socks!

Because there is no such thing as "too many socks". 

10. Plastic Accessories

It's the best thing ever.


  1. Ahahaha adorei! E realmente, meia estampada é uma das coisas que eu mais gosto nesse hobby! E seu quarto / casa é muito aesthetic, amo ver as fotos das suas decorações!

    1. Obrigada!!! Ah, eu sempre gosto de garimpar as coisas pra enfeitar a casa, daí pinto de rosa! Esse móvel em que estão minhas maquiagens, por exemplo, comprei em um bazar beneficente por R$ 50, aí pintei de rosa <3

  2. Amei 💕😍, Também preciso de mais meias. Adorei a ideia de decoração muito fofa se eu não tivesse que dividir o quarto concerteza deixaria mais fofo com um carrossel tão fofo assim. Tenho curiosidade pra saber como é usar Acessórios de Plástico. Também preciso adquirir uma anagua melhor e algumas Makes fofas :3. Queria muito achar uma capinha fofa para o meu celular algum dia :3.


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