Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Angelic Pretty haul ~ october

Dois dias antes de ir para o Chile meus pacotes chegaram! Se você é minha amiga no Facebook deve ter visto.
Two days before travelling to Chile, my packages arrived! If you are my friend on FB you should have seen.

Rose Toilette OP + canotier - Angelic Pretty
Milky-chan the fawn jsk + kc - Angelic Pretty
Daydream Carnival kc and socks - Angelic Pretty
Princess logo knee socks - Angelic Pretty
Lady Rose OTKs - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Pony OTKs - Angelic Pretty
Melty Chocolate headband - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Pony Bangle - Angelic Pretty
Dream Ribbon Necklace - Angelic Pretty
Color scheme heart charm wristcuffs - Angelic Pretty
Sugary Carnival totebag from e-mook - Angelic Pretty

and the two non AP things:
Two Swimmer rings and Lolita Fashion Book.

Can you tell what is my favorite brand? haha


  1. Omgg que bom que chegou tudo! Esse Milky-chan é o mascote mais fofinho que tem, pena que não vejo mais tanta coisa dele por aí! Super compraria sets de papelaria e coisas pra casa com ele ahuhaahu

    1. Adoro o Milky chan <3 Faz tempo que estava querendo essa print <3


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