After one year lost in the mail, here my package is!
I had lost the hope it would arrive one day, so I am really glad it made it home safely.
Kitten Piano Concerto JSK (L562)
I already have this print in Ivory, and I was dreaming of owning it in sax, because I love sax!
I need to make a matching headbow for it.
Hat and socks
Alice and the Pirates
The boystyle section of the haul; it was meant to be for my husband, but nothing can stop me wearing these lol.
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright / AATP / Momoko Doll
It was such a luck to find two twin socks with music theme! It will be so much fun to make coords with them to go to my music classes. Then, a BtSSB mini hat that, together with the BtSSB Poodle pencil case were the things my heart was aching so much for having lost, so it was a relief when the package reappeared. And the oldschool lolita doll clothes set, for 1/6 dolls, that I happened to find floating around the web. It will look so cute on my Pullips! I found out it was made for a Momoko Doll circa 2006! Of course the set came incomplete, but I love it anyways. I kinda recognize this totebag's poodle from somewhere; Not sure though.
Socks hanger
Unlike many j-fashionistas, that use this for hanging accessories, I really will use it to hang socks in my laundry room. I want to make my house the cutest possible! It will match my other Swimmer socks hanger there ^^.
CD and Mini Hat
Mypollux / Axes Femme
I was on cloud nine when I found this CD! I used to listen to Mypollux around the same time I entered lolita, so there are so many memories, and this CD is from 2006!
To match the aesthetic of the photo, this Axes Femme mini hat - can you tell I'm in a hat extravaganza lately?
Phone covers
Swimmer / Sanrio / Swimmer
The most awaited items were, for sure, these phone cases! My current phone case is falling appart literally, and it was giving its last breaths these days - I was really thinking about buying a generic phone case to wait for these ones, but luckily they arrived before the worst happen!
Usakumya Tissue case
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Oh, I almost forgot this Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Usakumya tissue case!
I already have one on my bed table, so I bought one more to put on my husband's bed table! Now we have matching tissue cases! The room is so cute and lolita!
I am so happy with my items!