Monday, June 14, 2021

[Got Lolita] ☆Angelic Pretty - Proper Girl OP ☆

When Kakao put this dress for sale, I instantly fell in love with it, but I was without money left at the time, so I couldn't buy it. Then Kakao made a raffle for it and it was a success, so much that all the numbers were gone, as well as my chances of getting it.
Surprisingly, the person who won the raffle didn't wanted the dress and asked Kakao to sell it for them. I couldn't buy it immediately when she put it for sale again, but I was lucky because no one bought it, so when I was able to get some money finally I could purchase it!

This dress is called Proper Girl OP, and it is from Angelic Pretty!
It came with the headbow as well!
It is in the color white with pink lace!
It was with loose elastics on the sleeves, but I could quickly fix them.
Along with the dress and bow, Kakao also sent me some gifts! A cute bow ring, a ribbon pin that reminds me of magical girls, a very cute tote bag and an adorable little note!!! I am in love with these gifts!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!!!
 Thank you so much Kakao!
I promise I will take good care of everything, and I will do my best to give them a loving and happy home!


  1. It's so pretty, I love the colour scheme so much!! <33

  2. Que lindooooo! Parabéns pela aquisição! 🥰💕

  3. Esse vestido é maravilhoso, incrível que ninguém o tenha comprado! Era pra ser teu mesmo hehe.

  4. nossa que sorte em, parece q os deuses do rococó faz a rota para o seu guarda-roupa UIAHIUhauiHA muito lindinho e os presentinhos também :3

    1. Obrigada!!! Foi muita sorte conseguir ele, eu já estava dando por perdido quando foi feita a rifa!


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