Sunday, July 14, 2024

[Sewing] Simple tartan headdress

Today I made a headdress!
I was trying some clothes, and I got really happy this Angelic Pretty Cutsew and unkonwn skirt fit me now! So, I really needed something to go on my head, but despite having so many options here, everything was so... busy? to match the coord. It kinda called for something simpler, so there I went, to make a headdress.
Making this headdress was a change of conventions to me. I'm used to think the small details are what matters when talking about lolita, but this specific coord doesn't seem to hold a very detailed headdress. I even tried to put bows on the sides, but it got too busy. Sometimes less is better.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this coordinate! And I do agree with you, the head dress is perfect the way it is (I think the pattern is enough "information", so details mightn't match)


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