Saturday, July 20, 2024

[Got Lolita] AP and Bodyline!

If my life's exchanged for money at work, at least I'm going to spend it in lolita!
Just a quick update about my shopping~
This time there are two dresses, that came from the same home, to stay together inside my closet.

First, this Cinderella Bunny from Bodyline (L481); I think this print is so gorgeous, and so sweet-classic! I want to match it with ivory pieces. 
Then, Angelic Pretty's Whip Collection JSK! This print's so cute and I want to pair it with my pony bag, even the themes being so different, but the color schemes match!
Buying lolita things makes my wallet cry and my heart happy~

1 comment:

  1. Não separou os irmãos, muito bom! XD Parabéns pela compra, muitos fofos!


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