Sunday, July 7, 2024

[Got Lolita] More black stuff ♱


Lately I'm investing more in black pieces - maybe due my current vibe, maybe because oportunity- , but thanks God I'm not gonna do the same mistake I've made a decade ago, that was leaving sweet lolita for gothic lolita. No, no, no. Let's hoard all the styles! So, these are my latest purchases!

MeLikesTea Petticoat

Along with the "black pieces phase" came the necessity of a black petticoat, mainly because I wear my black clothes to play cello, and when I open my legs, the white petticoat shows and it looks strange. Now my coords look more polished when playing.

Lady Sloth - Clock Skirt

I used to own this skirt in the corset waist version, but unfortunately I sold it in one of my sweet lolita outbreaks. Luckily I found this one in a very good price here in Brazil. Happy to own this print again!

Arezzo - Mana-sama platforms

Of course they aren't named like that, that was my take haha. Arezzo was having a sale, and I got it for a decent price. I still think these kind of platform shoes looks better with gothic and sober stuff than random black shoes, and you can't convince me otherwise. They are kinda comfortable for very high heels, but I still not familiar with just the ankle strap supporting the whole foot inside it; the shoe is too open and I'm kinda afraid my feet are going to slip off, but I'm getting used to it little by little.

That's all folks! Mana sama bless you all!

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