Saturday, August 12, 2023

[Sewing] Cat JSK

Today I finally finished sewing the cat fabric!
It was a little bit stressing, because I had already cut and started sewing a sleeved dress some years ago, and now when I found the project inside a plastic bag, it wasn't exactly what I wanted to wear, so I had to undo all the seams and cut a new bodice from the already sewn bodice, and make the fabric be enough for the new dress.
The good thing is that all the material I used was available at home, so less material to get rid of.
I am thinking about making a headbow with the scraps of fabric, but enough of sewing for now. Maybe another day.


  1. Mas ficou LINDO! O contraste do fundo do tecido com a fita vermelha ficou maravilhoso mesmo! Particularmente, desfazer roupa / costura é MUITO PIOR QUE FAZER DO ZERO! ahuhuauhahuahu morro de preguiça quando erro uma costura e tenho de desfazer, dá vontade de jogar tudo fora!

    1. Aww obrigada! Quero ver se eu consigo costurar mais coisas, está na minha lista de metas há duzentos anos terminar minha pilha de tecidos, mas ando meio desanimada de costurar

  2. I'm in love with the print! and your sewing skills are amazing

  3. Nossa, ficou muito, muito lindinho! Você é muito talentosa, Ana!


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