Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Cat fabric!

Today I spent a good amount of the day sewing a fabric I found out in my fabric pile.
God, I don't even remember why or when I cutted this, but it was a project halfway done, so I had to undo the sewings and try to modify the -already cutted- fabric to something I would like to wear nowadays. I know I had this fabric in 2018, so it's so old! Hope I can save it someway.


  1. Que gracinha de pano! Curiosa para ver o resultado :)

    1. Obrigada! Espero que saia algo bom, tentei reciclar ele de um projeto que já estava metade costurado ^^

  2. Eu amo gatos, então já tenho certeza que será 200% fofo! Ansiosa pelo resultado. 🥰


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