Sunday, January 13, 2019

Pullips' Sugary Carnival Extravaganza

Lately I have been insterested in two side hobbies other than Lolita, but kinda relacted to it: pink house and Pullips. In the last days I felt more inclined to Pink House, buying plastic bowls and pink home stuff like crazy, but some days I just like to relax playing house with my Pullips.

I felt in love with the Pullip Family when I saw Victoria Suzanne's dolls some years ago, but I just bought my dolls like a year ago: a Pullip Tiphona (Innocent World) and Pullip Favorite Ribbon (Baby the Stars Shine Bright's Misako Aoki Pullip). Since then, I like to buy little things for them: clothes, accessories, shoes... I even bought kid's shoes only to take the Barbie's Bakery set that came with it. Now my little Pullips are two spoilled brandwhores, who own their own bakery business and have a pink convertible car, besides a chair and a wardrobe from Angelic Pretty, and a few brand dresses.

So, while there's some time that I wanted to have the dolls, the same amount of time I've been desiring a specific item - or set, what do you prefer -; Angelic Pretty's Sugary Carnival doll set!

I think it is curious the fact that, from the first time I saw Sugary Carnival, its black colorway hit me like a bullet; and that was the favorite color for what I see for some side releases, like the totebag for the Museum Mook and this lovely set.

The set consists of a jumperskirt, a head eating bow and a lovely pony bag, which come attached to the package by loose black threads. Unfortunatelly the set doesn't come with blouse, socks or shoes, so you need to buy some by yourself. As I am not very familiar with the market and where to buy it, I simply made my own socks out of a thrifted cutsew and completed the coord with items I already had.

Tiffany (Tiphona) was the first one to dress the set, and she keep it to herself. I really think she looks sad when she wears the clothes she came into. She's a born sweet lolita, so I let her dress what makes she looks happy - and well, Sugary Carnival stills an iconic dress.

I was happy to finally find it after some time looking for it. And in the end I found one more, so I grabbed the opportunity with both hands: soon Misako will have her Sugary Carnival outfit too! So, the three of us will have the same print in the same colorway to be twins, or better saying, triplets!


  1. It's quite wonderful have even your Pullips wearing brand. That shows how committed to Lolita you are!


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