Monday, March 30, 2020

[New Closet] New old chandelier and my dresses!

Hoje foi um dia muito cansativo! Trouxemos minha arara e minhas roupas lolita para a casa nova!
Ainda falta trazer as bolsas e o restante dos sapatos, além das maquiagens, das coisas de costura, das blouses e bloomers e os acessórios de cabelo.

Today was a very tiring day! We brought my clothing rack and lolita clothes to the new house!
We still have to bring the bags and the rest of the shoes, the makeup, sewing things, blouses, bloomers and hair accessories.

Hoje também recebemos o lustre usado que comprei pelo Facebook Marketplace, além de algumas compras lolita que chegaram pelo correio!
Estou muito animada com tudo, mas ainda falta muita coisa!

Today we also received the used chandelier that I bought through Facebook Marketplace, plus some lolita purchases that arrived in the mail!
I'm really excited about everything, but there's still a lot to do!


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