Saturday, March 23, 2024

[OOTD] Meetup at Carrefour

Outfit I'm wearing today to go to Carrefour.

Headdress: made by me
Necklace: Chocomint
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Bodyline
Socks: offbrand
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa

Well, what can you expect from a lolita who lives far away from any comm? Go frolicking in the supermarket. Yeah, I went to twin with the fabric softeners at Carrefour. I really like going there and buying stuff.
I discovered they have a "cafe" inside there, not anything spetacular, but ok, let's do it!

And that's me, eating a coxinha. 

1 comment:

  1. Eu amei o momento 'twins' com os amaciantes heauehauehau
    É impressionante como tu transforma esses momentos meio zoeira em um fashion statement. Só tu mesmo <3
    Espero que a coxinha estivesse boa! Tá linda nas fotos :3


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