Saturday, March 30, 2024

[Pullip] Doll Thrift Finds

Another thing I really love in my hometown is that there are very good second hands shops out there.
Today I went to two, and found some 1:6 dolls playsets.

Of course, the playsets were damaged and with parts missing, but I paid 4 dollars in total and that's just amazing~ plus I can be creative when restoring, so...
First toy is this Barbie pink boat; it came missing a small parasol (that wouldn't fit Pullips' big head anyways), and the front glass. But the front glass was blue so it would cut the Angelic Pretty vibes on it, so it's not a problem really.
Then, this Monster High playset - or a part of it (Freak Du Chic Rochelle Goyle set). It's a shame there weren't any more pieces of it there, because I could customize to make a very gothic playset, BUT, that's what we have. It looks so cute. I might put some curtains on the door or a stained glass sticker I saw on Daiso once, I haven't decided yet.

I love finding things for my dolls on thrift stores!


  1. The boat is cute :3 But I think the MH playset is so awesome! I can already imagine your dolls with black dresses now, hihihi

  2. Que fofiiinho! Eu passei na Daiso daqui esses dias e vi várias coisinhas de boneca (móvel, acessório etc.).

  3. I wish the secondhand shops in my town were as good as the ones in your town! I would have a field day!


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