Tuesday, September 3, 2024

[Got Lolita] Metamorphose Temps de Fille - Princess Wardrobe Lace-up Pinafore JSK

Since it was my birthday some days ago, I couldn't help but indulge myself a little bit more, just a little lol, because well, I deserve! I work hard for my adult money, so I'm going to buy everything I want.

This time I choose something from Metamorphose, which is curious, because last year I also got a Meta dress for my birthday! This year one of the choosen ones was Princess Wardrobe Lace-up Pinafore Dress!
This dress is so adorable; one of my favorite parts is this kind of corset lacing on the front, that unlike other dresses that have ribbon on it, this one has fabric, and it looks so gorgeous! I also like that the bows are removable, so I can place them in many ways.
I can't wait to wear it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! This dress is so beautiful, I can't wait to see your coords :).


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