Tuesday, September 17, 2024

[Lifestyle] New door stops

There are some things that are inexcusable in a Princess' home, and the following items are definitely one of these:
These were things inherited from my mother in law, and well, despite they're useful, they're ugly as hell I couldn't stand them, plus they were always getting dirt and they were horrible to clean - as if you could call that cleaning!

Well, there's some time I'm thinking about replacing them, but I couldn't find the right project to sew, until I thought about those makeup cases that people sell second hand. They would be practical for cleaning - just opening a zipper an put them inside the washing machine - as well as cute, and I wouldn't have to sew haha - that's for me is the number one benefit! Unluckily, the one I tried to buy second hand was never sent and I had to buy it from abroad. At least it's new right?
As soon as they arrived I fell in love with them. Then I opened the old ones and took off the sand to plastic bags, which were put inside these cases. They look awesome and they do their job perfectly.
Now this looks like it belongs to a Princess' home!

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