Monday, February 24, 2020

Found at Daiso!

Semana passada fomos à Daiso e encontramos algumas coisinhas usáveis em outfits!
Na verdade eu queria levar a loja toda embora, mas como isso não é possível, tive de escolher o que me seria mais útil.

Last week we went to Daiso and found some useful things for my outfits!
Actually, I wanted to take the whole store with me, but since that is not possible, I had to choose what would be most useful to me.

Eu fico tão contente quando acho essas coisinhas! Elas fazem meu coração ficar quentinho!

I become so happy when I find these little things! They make my heart warm!


I love reading your comments! They make my day and make me inspired to post new things!