Thursday, May 14, 2020

OOTD: Trying gothic lolita

Essa semana resolvi testar algumas ideias de coordinates, e uma delas resultou nesse outfit!
Faz tempo que comprei esse vestido, devo ter usado uma vez só. Tive muita sorte de conseguir na época comprá-lo diretamente da loja, new with tag.

This week I decided to test some ideas for coordinates, and one of them resulted in this outfit!
Long ago I bought this dress, I must have worn it only once. I was very lucky at the time to be able to buy it directly from the store, new with tag.

Headpiece: selfmade
Necklace: Aliexpress
Blouse: from my mother, it was thrifted
JSK: Sweet Addiction x Pirates and the Crown Rose
Socks: Aliexpress
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet
Parasol: Innocent World

Ver outfits meus sem nada da Angelic Pretty é uma raridade e tanto! 
Mas me diverti tentando Gothic, quem sabe eu tente mais outfits assim.

Seeing my outfits without anything from Angelic Pretty is quite a rarity!
But I had fun trying Gothic, maybe I try more outfits like that.


  1. Omg! Que print perfeita! Eu adorei a combinação de cores, acho que ficou elegante e delicado como toda gothic lolita ~♥

    1. Aww obrigada!!! Eu preciso usar mais esse vestido, ele é muito bonito ❤


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