Saturday, January 2, 2021

Making hat boxes!


For a long time I've wanted a hat box. I've been desiring something like the ones from Cerise or Shirley Temple Cute, and saving inspiration photos here and there. But it would be risky to import one from Japan, first because they are big, which means customs fees in the most optimistic of the cases, and being realistic, high custom fees and a damaged box.
Then one day last month, I was, why not, let's make this shit, and shit started is shit done, right?
The first box I made is the pink one, and it was hard as hell. Soon I realized I would have to hand sew the main body with the round piece, because glue was refusing to do its work. It is full of errors, but it looks good for my first attempt. Then as there were some materials left, I decided to make a second box. This one is way better than the first, but again, I had to hand sew it. Today my fingers are dead.
Although none of them is perfect, technique wise, I am very proud I went out of my comfort zone to make them from scratch. Also, I got very distracted by this project and could learn a little more about having patience haha.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I am thinking about making one more, but I don't have idea of what put inside it. I was going to do one more mostly because decoration. But these too are so helpful: one I store my hats and the other I store my berets :)

  2. ficaram lindas e super bem feitas!!! é uma ótima ideia pra guardar chapéus mesmo, acho que ajuda eles a manterem o formato bonitinho, e fica um ambiente bonito e organizado ^^


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