Tuesday, January 12, 2021

People that inspire my lolita style

There is a loong long time I do not answer this challenge, but I thought it would be funny to start to answer again!
Today's theme is "10 people that inspire your lolita style"! This is a hard post for me, because I get inspiration from everyone - I am always learning something new with all my friends! It is hard to remember everyone, so I will list my top 3!

#1 - Katie Babydoll
This photo is from when we twinned! Katie is a wonderful person and an amazing lolita! Also, they make wonderful outfits outside of lolita too! I always get inspiration from their coords, and I always like to watch them when there's a live on Instagram! I learn a lot! Katie is never afraid to try something new with fashion, and mix styles, and their coords always are unique!

#2 Milkyfawn

I love Milkyfawn! I really get very inspired when I read her blog, and I always go there when I want to get very inspired haha. She also makes me more confident to do what I like and do not pay attention to what people say. Her wardrobe was an inspiration too, obviously, and today I have some prints she had too. I feel sad because she is no longer in lolita, because she was always a big inspiration in my lolita life.

#3 Momoko
And what would be of my list without Momoko?
Momoko always played a major role in my life, she looks so much like me in many aspects: a lonelita, who lives in a small town in countryside, ends stepping in cow shit (my case was horse shit), takes hours and trains (my case, busses) to arrive at big city and have a lolita day there. Everybody makes fun of her in her hometown; her room is all decorated with her lolita possessions, and she lives for lolita. The main differences between us is that I worked since I started in lolita to pay my things, and that instead of dying for Rococo and BtSSB, I would die for Angelic Pretty.
I love to watch the movie many times and I always get inspired by her lifestyle. I need to watch this week because I want to take a better look on her roomwear, because my latest obsession is to sew roomwear with the fabrics I have here.


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