Monday, February 1, 2021

Things I will never do in lolita

Again with the lolita challenge, today's theme is "10 things you will never do in lolita". I think I never thought about that, so I will not be able to write 10 of them - but it doesn't mean the things I didn't say here I will do; I just not discovered them yet to say I will not do them haha.

Wa Lolita and Qi Lolita

Those two substyles. They just don't fit my aesthetic and don't call my attention.


That's a thing I absolutely would never never never wear. They were a trend some years ago and I think it is so strange. Not living for it.

Piercings and tattoos

Well, those are things I would not do even outside lolita, neither inside lolita - but at this point, what is outside lolita? I breathe in lolita! Haha. But I don't like tattoos in me (other people, you can do whatever you like), neither piercings, neither the pain and all the care you have to take with them. I don't even remember to put sunscreen on my face, who will say about putting it on the tattoo for it not to fade. $$$$$$ AND THE MONEY $$$$$$, I would make so many second hand purchases with that money AND don't feel any pain. Win-win.

Circle lenses or any lenses

I am always trying to improve my makeup, even learned how to put fake eyelashes, but I will never wear lenses! When I was a baby lolita, I remember liking the aesthetic so much and wanting to wear them, until a very experient lolita in the comm had a problem in her eyes because lenses - and she was very careful with them and she was wearing lenses for years. I am a very visual person so just the remote thought of having a problem with my eyes makes me anxious. For me, fashion is all fun and laughs, but when it can have a possibility of harm my health, that's a line I will not cross.

Geek or nerd inspired lolita outfits

I am not geek neither nerd, so... makes sense right? You will never see me wearing Doctor Who inspired outfits (because who is Doctor Who? I never watched it) or comic inspired outfits. Yeah I am boring as hell.
I think that's all for today.
Again, those are things I would not do, but you are free to do them as you like.
Is there something in my list you would never do in lolita too?


  1. I don't wear circle lenses either, I love the look of it but I feel like it's... too complicated? XD;

    1. Yeah! Sometimes I feel tempted, but I am clueless how to take care of them properly, or where to buy them from a safe source, and the fear of getting a problem on my eyes...


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