Sunday, February 14, 2021

Lolitas in Peep "TV" Show movie

After so many time, finally I found this old movie and finally I could watch it. But, as far as could see, it is not my kind of lolita movie.
In this story we are introduced to Moe, a lolita, and an internet voyeur, named Hasegawa. The movie has as background the post-September 11th in Japan (and it is a recurring theme in the whole movie). Hasegawa films people on the street with hidden cameras, and then he opens a site called "peep tv show", where he displays some of those videos. For another side, the lolita Moe is kinda dead inside, and does absolutely nothing with her life. One day Moe and Hasegawa paths meet in Tokyo streets, and she ends up discovering the "wonderful" world of peeping other persons' lives (that are as miserable as hers). More than this I can't tell, because it would be a spoiler, but be aware that the film has some strong trigger warnings, like terr*rism, s*x and viol*nce in an animal.

I kinda can understand the director wanted to show the effects of the media on people, the alienation, and how it affects "misfit" people (the guy who never go outside the house, the lolita, the voyeur), but if you think a little bit more, lolita clothes on Moe doesn't play a major role in the movie besides she is considered "out of the mainstream fashion". You could insert on her any kind of alternative fashion that the result would be the same. Maybe lolitas call more attention than any other alternative fashion, and the contrast between cute and psycho can look kinda interesting, as her personality is too far from cute.

About the lolita outfits, the movie is from 2003, so the outfits are very oldschool. And very pretty too! I found interesting that in some part, a Moe's friend say her clothes are from Pretty, which was the name Angelic Pretty had until 2001 if I am not wrong. I will post some prints of the movie, as it can be quite triggering to some people to watch.
If you are interested in watching this movie, I strongly recommend reading about it first, and searching about the movie director in Wikipedia, because things that seems like doesn't make sense watching, ends up having sense when you understand more about the director's works and what he studies. And of course, this movie is 18 plus, so I don't reccomend it for underage people.


  1. Esse filme parece bem perturbador na realidade, bem do tipo que eu gosto. Mas estranho ser considerado um filme lolita se o fato de moça usar um figurino lolita não é tão relevante pra trama, né?

    Affluentia | Masha Alkhim

    1. Bom, qualquer filme pode ser considerado um "filme lolita" se há uma lolita no filme vestindo um outfit dentro das regras do estilo, independentemente do gênero do filme (comédia, drama, romance), e sendo ela a personagem principal ou não, ou se o outfit faz sentido na trama ou não. Isso porque o fato de haver uma lolita em uma produção já desperta o interesse de outras lolitas em assisti-la. Por exemplo, imagine que um cantor famoso de death metal faz um filme de comédia country, nada a ver com ele não é? Mas ainda assim esse filme despertaria o interesse da fã-base de assistir só por causa do cantor. A mesma coisa acontece com lolita: acabamos assistindo séries, filmes e clipes musicais só porque aparece uma lolita ali, mesmo que por dois segundos. Lolita é apenas uma moda de rua, não um gênero de filme.

  2. Que legal saber sobre esse filme, não conhecia, me interessei e adicionei à minha lista. Gostei dos seus comentários!

    Abraço ♥


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