Thursday, February 11, 2021

Daily Lolita project ~

As I said in the last post, I want to wear lolita daily! So today I started to clean my daily wardrobe!
It was like this:
As you know, it will take centuries to my new purchases arrive, so I took some things out of my lolita closet and put them in my daily wardrobe. The winter part is done, but I still need some spring/summer dresses.
I also choose some simple socks from my lolita closet to be my everyday socks. And I put bloomers in the same drawer too.
And this is the pile that will say goodbye.
I am very happy to be starting this change in my life! It will be super cool when everything arrives!


  1. Eu imagino o quão feliz você deve estar em poder vestir o que gosta todos os dias.

  2. Ooooh that's so cool!! ^w^ I'm so happy for you!! <3

    1. Thank you!!! You inspired me a lot to try to wear lolita more often! Thank you so much!


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