Monday, October 16, 2023

Big Got Lolita! - 6 dresses (AP, BtSSB, Body line)

After a while without any new dresses, today was the day everything arrived all at once!
Let's take a look on the items!

Kitten Piano Concerto JSK (L562)

I have wanted this dress for a while, so I am happy it is here now! I can imagine myself, between my music classes, playing the piano wearing this dress. So cute! I love music themed prints, especially if they have cats too!

Holy Theater JSK

Angelic Pretty
This print is amazing and I was so lucky I got it new with tags!
This style reminds me of Eternal Carnival, that, by the way, I wear so often that someday it will run away by itself, so I think I am going to wear this one a lot.

Chained Berry Memoir Jenny JSK

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
I have wanted this dress for an eternity!
It has many items missing, but I'll do my best to replace them the best way I can. Well, for the price I paid, it was super worthy.

Magical Étoile Square OP

Angelic Pretty
This print is an Angelic Pretty classic!
I am so happy I finally own this super iconic print!

Magical Playing Cards OP (L518)

Well, what can I say? I already own this dress in black, pink and sax, so naturally, I would chase the other colors as well! This navy blue is so beautiful, can't wait to wear it.

Brenda 4 Tier Frill OP


I already own this dress in brown, and as it is a dress I wear very often to my music classes, I had to own it in black too.
Ribbon is missing, but the seller was so kind to send a replacement.

Eyelet Frill Mini Cardigan (L072)

This is an item I already had in the past, but ended up selling - and regreting!
Now I am so happy that I finally had the chance of putting my hands on it again!

I love my new items so much!


  1. Oh my goodness that’s awesome! I'm already so excited for your coords with all these new treasures😍

  2. Ahh que tanto de coisa de uma vez! É muito bom quando chega tudo assim, parece que a empolgação vai empilhando uma em cima da outra, uhahuahua E meu favorito do lote foi o Holy Theater, que peça mais linda! O corpo e os detalhes de estrela e renda são muito bonitos!

    1. Sim! Fiquei surpresa quando chegou tudo de uma vez! O Holy Theater é incrível demais! Preciso arranjar algo pra usar na cabeça e meias combinando. Ele é sweet mas tem uma vibe mais mágica, mais etérea, então vou ter que dar um jeito pra achar coisas combinando haha

  3. Ahhh que lote de coisas mais LINDAS! Magical Étoile tem um lugar especial no meu coração, tinha esquecido quão lindo ele é em vermelho! Feliz que ele é seu agora!
    E que peças mais lindas da Bodyline, esse bolero é mesmo muito bonito e vai ficar perfeito com seu JSK novo da Baby também ^^

    1. Aww obrigada! Nossa eu super me arrependi de ter vendido ele quando eu era mais nova, então foi super legal ter ele de volta!


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