Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Replacing pieces on Chained Berry Memoir

This week I'm inspired to fix items!
Today's victim was Chained Berry Memoir Jenny JSK from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright!

This dress arrived literally missing everything, so I tried to at least decorate it a little.
I got the strawberry brooch from Japan; the girl said she won it at a Metamorphose's Tea Party, but it looks exactly like the brooch in the dress' stock picture!
Then, I tried to find a matching color ribbon to put on the front lacing. I didn't find the exact color, but that's what we have for today.
Much better than leaving it all plain:
I hope this dress is happier now!


  1. Wow, the brooches really look similar! Hehe I'm sure your dress is happier now🥰 And what a coincidence, just today I fixed several buttons and a skirt, which I've been procrastinating for a year now🙈 I sometimes wonder where the sudden inspiration to mend things comes from…

    1. Yes! Lately I am in such a mood to fix everything around!

  2. Nossa, como assim? O broche é praticamente idêntico!! Que sorte, ficou muito bonitinho!!

    1. Obrigada! Eu fiquei extremamente surpresa quando achei!


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