Saturday, October 28, 2023

[OOTD] Beco Secreto ☆

Outfit I am wearing tonight to go out ~

Headdress: Angelic Pretty
Necklaces: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Bodyline
JSK: MeLikesTea
Underskirt: Made by me
Socks: Emily Temple Cute
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet

Today we finally went out to visit Beco Secreto, a Harry Potter inspired snack bar.
There is almost one year I live in this city and I never tried this snack bar, besides having heard about it since I arrived here.
The whole place is instagrammable, so we had to take pictures! Unfortunately, they only open at night, what makes the photos not so good because of the lack of light, but even so, it makes them very interesting.
The Hogwarts letters stay hanged, as if they were floating and flying from the fireplace.
They even have a crystal ball!
My husband seems a more powerful wizard than me, lol, because I didn't knew I had to actually touch the ball so it could give a cool effect. Next time I swear I'm going to do it right.
The iconic 3/4 platform setup.
The foods were really good. I ordered a hamburger named Beco (alley in english), and my husband ordered one of the veggie options, named Herbologia. We also ordered italian sodas, and the waitress said if we placed the phone's flashlight under the cup it would give a cool effect, so here we are.
I got really excited to have an instagrammable place near! Can't wait to go there again!


  1. Woah that looks so cool😍 I wish I could visit there too!

  2. Que lugar demais!O coord ta uma gracinha também, parece confortável! E eu cresci olho pra cima do hambúrguer do seu marido 6__6 hauhuahua Quando vi o título do post fiquei ??? ela ta indo num beco (literal)??? huahuahuahuahua

    1. Obrigada! Hahahahahha! Assim, faz teeempo que eu estou querendo ir lá, mas é mais um botequinho/lanchonete que só abre a noite. Como durante o dia está fechado, e do lado de fora não tem nenhuma referência a Harry Potter, esse nome é meio esquisito né, lembra coisa de mafioso


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