Saturday, July 10, 2021

[OOTD] Honey Cake vibes

Finally an outfit post in a while!
Last weeks I was dealing with a massive acne breakdown, and while it is not solved yet, at least I can touch my face without pain. I decided to not wear makeup while in treatment, because I had to wash and apply remedies to my face many times a day, so why waste make up, right? And also, I wouldn't like to post pics of my face looking like it was.

Bow: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Thrifted / Customized by me
Necklace: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Angelic Pretty
Bag: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa


  1. vc tinha comprado bolsa desdse conjunto do honey cake n tinha? chegou?

    1. Comprei sim! Infelizmente ainda não chegou :/ Desde que o Japão fechou os envios para o Brasil, ficaram muitas caixas de coisas minhas lá em duas shopping services diferentes. Só agora que consegui enviar por navio que começaram a aparecer as primeiras caixas, mas ainda tem muitas presas lá, mas uma hora chega, se Deus quiser! Por enquanto eu vou quebrando o galho com minhas outras bolsas :)

    2. nossa eu n sabia q estava ate agora presa as encomendas dos jp :/ tomara q chegue logo

  2. I love how you added the little touches of red with the shoes and the bag, you look lovely! :3


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