Thursday, December 16, 2021

[Lifestyle] My current pink bedroom~

Today I am very occupied cleaning here and there and washing some clothes, and that's something I like very much.
After cleaning my bedroom I felt I should take a photo of it, because it looks so cute!
Taking photos of the current room is so important; It is a place we are inside everyday and it becomes so trivial that we forget to take pictures; then when we move we regret not taking pictures. I feel this with my old room, I have just a few pictures of it and it feels so nostalgic.
My old bedroom. Why didn't I took more pics of it at that time?

I think I should make a bedroom tour someday here in my blog, but not today.


  1. Aaaaaaah,eu amo a Hello Kitty, tô só esperando meu cartão da Riachuelo virar hahaha

    Está lindo 💗

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhh *-------* cada cantinho tão fofo Ana, admiro muito o seu estilo de vida, logo estarei de mudança e quero postar algumas coisas também. Olhei essa foto do seu quarto antigo e me deu uma nostalgia dele também UIAHUIahuiHA lembro quando vc estava sempre publicando fotos dele xD

  3. Seu quarto é lindo, parece um quarto de princesa! 💕 E seu antigo quarto era uma fofura também!


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