Saturday, December 4, 2021

[OOTD] Happy Lolita Day!

Outfit I am wearing today for the International Lolita Day!

Headdress: made by me
Blouse: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
JSK: Pastel a la Mode - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
RHS: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet
I was planning to go out with a friend, but as she couldn't go, I stayed at home. My husband and I are doing some renovations here, so we focused on it all afternoon long. I also was introduced to Sisters of Mercy and I loved it!
My husband made a very delicious cake yesterday, so we could enjoy the loliday today! I have the best husband in the world!
I hope we can finish the renovations soon so my tv room can become all pink as I want!
After all, we just live once, right?


  1. E eu que só lembrei do Loliday no outro dia? kkkkk
    O seu Loliday foi muito fofinho *-*


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