Sunday, December 26, 2021

OOTD + Christmas gifts!

Last days I've been so busy with family, eating a lot and taking naps, because that's what the end of year is meant for: taking a break in this huuuge holiday - everyday in the last ten days of the year seems like holiday to me. Only today I finally decided to wear something that wasn't pajamas!

Headbow: made by me
JSK: Made by me
Socks: Tutuanna
Shoes: Axes Femme

Also, let me show you the gifts I got this year - mostly bought by myself of course, but I also received a gift from a friend!
Starting with the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's Cherish My Juicy Cherry JSK and KC, that I showed you earlier this month, so no more explanations about this one.
 Then a deodorizing cologne from O Boticário, called Acqua Fresca. My friend T says it smells like grandma (lol) but I really love the scent and it is my mom's favorite. And also, I may look young but my tastes are very grandma like, so win win. I can't explain you what it really smells like (especially if you are not from Brazil) because I am no expert in scents, but the box says "Woody Citric", and for me it smells like if the whole spring went out with me to a walk. Very fresh!

Next, a pair of socks from Tutuanna! They're mint, so with the recently purchased mint items I really needed something like that for the hot weather.

And finally, a skirt from the Rokku Gyaru brand tutuHA! This one wasn't really a Christmas gift, but as I received this two days after Christmas, I'll consider it like one! It was a present from my friend Renato! I knew something or other about Gyaru, but since I received this skirt I am dying to try Rokku! I am searching like crazy for items to match this skirt and make an outfit! I was really into punk/rock clothes in the school times, so this is so refreshing to try again, in a more specific way! I don't consider trading lolita for rokku gyaru, but that's a style I would like to have in my wardrobe to wear sometimes!
Do you have a fashion style that you would like to try besides lolita? For myself, I want to try Rokku Gyaru and try to incorporate more Otome pieces to what's left of my normal wardrobe.


  1. É o perfume favorito da minha mãe! hahaha Eu sempre digo a ela que se a gente se perder, eu a encontro pelo cheiro, é bem característico e até refrescante, é um dos perfumes que me trás conforto. <3

    Adorei o look, feliz natal!

  2. Wow, I'm so impressed by your jsk at the top of the post! When I first saw it, I thought it looked really pretty and I wanted to know where it was from, then I read that you made it.


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