Saturday, November 4, 2023

[OOTD] Cats, good food and shopping

Outfit I am wearing today to go out.

Headband: offbrand
Blouse: offbrand
JSK: Made by me
Socks: Innocent World
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet

We went out today to a neighbor city, because I am already sick of staying home.
We went first to a antiquarian bookshop, to see if I could find any music theory book, but I couldn't find any - neither any book that interested me. I do found, however, and Apocalyptica CD, and I had to bring it home. Inside the bookstore, a girl asked for a picture, because it is hard to see someone dressing alternative in that city.

We went to have lunch in a restaurant we found, and the food was so good and the price was so cheap that I want to go back there again and eat tons of food! Then, we went to the Mall and I could go to Daiso and stuff, and I bought a Bart T-shirt in a store to go to gym, but you don't want to see it, of course.

The Mall was already decorated with Christmas stuff, as if they had kicked the pumpkin out in Nov. 1st lol. Too soon to be reminded that I did nothing this year, and it's already in the end.

Between old ladies saying I was cute, of course there was a guy making fun of me, asking if it was Alice or cosplay. I just was short with him and said "neither of them". He shut up immediately.
I am not in the mood anymore for these people, that think they can say anything to me - someone they don't even know!- just because I dress strange. Next time he sees someone alternative, he will think twice before being silly, and that's my contribution to the alternative people.


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