Tuesday, January 30, 2024

[Got Lolita] Oldschool-like chunky shoes

The first time I saw them was at our concert, while I went quickly to check my cello. The room was crowded, and I was walking looking to the ground, so I wouldn't happen to fall. It was in this moment I saw them on another girl's feet, in blue. I took a minute or two to realize that those shoes would be perfect for oldschool, but the minute I realized that - and was going to ask her where did she bought them -, the girl was gone among the crowd.

Plastic shoes - so probably Melissa, right? 

Some day, I don't remember how, I discovered their name. I went to Melissa stores searching for them, but it was always sold out in black. Even found some, second hand online, but wasn't sure if they would look good or if they worth that price tag. When I finally saw someone wearing them with socks, and liked it, it was too late, because the ones I found second hand were already sold out. Just now I was able to get them for a good price. 

And here I am, so glad to have bought them, At first sight, they are extremely comfy, but I haven't worn them outside the house, so that's not my final veredict. But, for now, I'm very happy.


  1. Ahhh eles são lindinhos demais! Acho sapato uma das coisas mais difíceis de comprar com sucesso. Às vezes são lindos, mas são desconfortáveis. Ou são muito confortáveis, mas com lolita ficam estranhos.... é sempre 8 ou 80 quando vou comprar, hahaha

    1. Obrigada! Pior que é muito isso; eu comprei um modelo parecido com esse, mas de outra marca e não consegui me adaptar. Fiquei super contente que esse deu certo, parece que toda vez que procuro sapatos oldschool dá algum ruim


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