Monday, January 29, 2024

[Sewing] Mini hat

Keeping with my long journey to get rid of all the fabric pile, today I bring to you my most recent selfmade: this mini hat!
This fabric I bought to make a headdress for my "Bodyline brown dress in a weird color that you can't find matching headpieces™", but as always, we end up having to buy more than planned, so this was my attempt to get rid of it.

Un - or fortunately? I couldn't end the whole fabric - I bought the mininum amount but it just keeps increasing, heeelp! so I'm thinking about making a headbow with it.

The main problem about making this hat was finding the flowers; I couldn't find the ones I wanted anywhere. I bought some lookalike ones, but they were too big, so the way to go was take off the roses I wanted from previous selfmades, put them on the new hat, and add the new flowers to the previous selfmades. I'm glad everything looks good now.


  1. This combination of colors is lovely! I think it was worth the trouble, the hat looks lovely!


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