Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Lolitafying the cat scratching post ☆

Of course in a lolita lifestyler's home, everything will be carefully thinked about to match the general lolita aesthetic presented in the home. And it couldn't be any different with the cats' scratching post.

This post is like ten years old, and survived many movings and bad weather, and oh, THE CATS. And of course, it was one of my least favorite pieces in my home, as it dissonates from everything else - also being a walking trashcan. I was just throwing it outside, so I couldn't see it, but sometimes the best solution is to solve the problem rather than hiding it outside.
I used the materials left from the bed center board we made some weeks ago - the fabric, which I almost finished it in this project besides some scraps, and the white rope I used on the base of the scratching post (I was obligated to buy a closed package of it for the bed, and I was wondering where the hell I was going to use all these meters of rope). I had to buy only the satin ribbon for finishings and the sisal rope - the white pompoms were already here from a project that didn't worked out.

It was very hard to take off the materials from the post, and my poor husband did this work. He's an angel on Earth. Everything was rotten and falling appart, so it was good to have started this project - it was really necessary.
I don't know if you believe in this energies talk, but I do believe it, and I'm happy we get rid of this stagnant energy of rotten/damaged things, and at the same time get rid of the stagnant energy of keeping materials stored without use. Now the energies are free to flow and I have a very cute scratching post that makes me proud of displaying it with my cute furniture.
Let's make our home more lolita!


  1. The scratching post looks lovely!
    I'm not sure how energy works, but I see that having something visibly rotten / in need of repairs kinda "brings the mood down" so makes total sense that having it cutefied (?) improves the feeling when you enter the house ^^

    1. Thank you! Like, for me, energy works like this: everything is energy, so when you have a room full of stuff, you don't have a place open to store more. So new things doesn't happen because the universe sees you are already full of energies. If you get rid of old stuff, you open a space so new energies can come in and take this place ^^

  2. Nossa, Ana! Ficou muito, muito fofo, completamente diferente!


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