Saturday, January 6, 2024

[OOTD] Celestial Doll

Outfit I am wearing today to go out~

Headclip: offbrand
OP: Angelic Pretty - Celestial Cutsew OP
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet

Today was the most awaited day for me: I am stuck in home for at least two weeks because of this end of year madness, and I couldn't wait to do some sighseeing and shopping!

First place we went to was a second hand bookstore, to buy some cds. We ended up getting Mylo Xyloto (Coldplay) and a Manowar cd. While browsing all the stuff, I accidentally found a lolita on a Hunter x Hunter manga cover. I was tempted to buy it, but it was the 15th volume, so it's a no-no to me, especially because I want to declutter my home, not collect more things. Also, later, Laura from Gotas de Baunilha told me that the actual character inside the manga doesn't really look this good hahaha.
After the bookstore, I went to random stores to find kids' accessories that would match my lolita pieces. I received compliments about my outfit, and it was funny that in a certain time, I was passing in front of a store, and there was a clown with a microphone, announcing things. He complimented my outfit on the microphone and a woman got so jealous she started to yell things, so outraged hahaha. I love the feminine jealousy - girl, you wanted emotional breadcrumbs from a clown? Haha! Get a life, bitch.

Well, it was already lunchtime, so we had to decide where to eat. In the realm of possibilities, I remembered the asian teahouse called TEAMO, that serves bubble tea and vegetarian dishes, so we went to see if it was open, and luckily it was! Last time I ate food from there was almost two years ago I guess.
I eat like crazy :0 but it was so good that it worth it haha.
Next stop was the mall, I went there to buy my strawberry mist - because we should smell like strawberry of course, and visited Daiso too. Lately, Daiso is so boring. My shopping cart was two kids books in japanese to help me exercise my non existing hiragana reading skills. My husband, however, was jumping of happiness because he found some glass pan lids lol.

At the end of the day, we went to see the Christmas decorations in the park. I wanted to see it before Christmas, but everywhere was so packed with people that I ended up leaving this idea behind. Probably they will take these lights off these days, so it was our last chance to see them.

Wow, it was such a fun day!

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