Thursday, March 17, 2022

[OOTD] Harry Potter themed café!

Today we went out to visit the Expresso da 8" Cafeteria, a Harry Potter themed café two hours away from my home.
Last time I went to a Harry Potter themed cafe it was all of sudden, so I wasn't wearing matching clothes. This time, I wanted to wear a Harry Potter outfit; I even bought a Gryffindor necktie, but it didn't made to my home in time, so I had to choose another outfit instead one day before. As I am a proud Gryffindor, that was the inspiration of my outfit.
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Offbrand / thrifted
Accessory: selfmade
Cape: selfmade
JSK: British Bear - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Alice and the Pirates
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa
This cafe is heavily thematic! There are animated screens that mimic portraits, wanted posters (the Sirius Black one) and even "animated" windows, with the flying Ford Anglia on the one over our table. There are also many sweets that are thematic too, like the beverages below (over the chocolate one there is a chocolate frog, but as it was against light it is a little bit hard to see). Even in the restroom, when you entered, it started playing the voice of the Moaning Myrtle explaining to Harry how she was killed.
I confess I didn't take many photos of myself because I was more interested in eating everything I could, even because they close in the lunchtime, so I had just a little amount of time to enjoy the café. I want to return there and take more pics and eat more sweets!


  1. Que lugar lindo!!! *-* Gostei do outfit que você montou para combinar com o tema!

    1. Obrigada!!! Amei demais lá, mal posso esperar para voltar!


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