Thursday, March 24, 2022

[OOTD] Going out~

Outfit I am wearing today to go to the Mall.

Headdress: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
OP: Lovely Sweet Room - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Bracelet: Cotton Candy Feet
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet
Usakumya Coin Bag: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
I am trying to relax a little to see if my depression gets better, so I already made my obbligations in the last days and took the day off today. I started by going to the pool, and besides it is my second time in two weeks, it is making wonders both in my mental health and body exercise wise.
Then, after lunch I went to the Mall to solve some things, and took the opportunity to go to Daiso, because I wanted another of that silicone lid I bought last time. How surprised I was when I discovered a new bubble tea in the mall, and they just opened! I was very happy!
After that, I went to the wholesale supermarket, and another girl talked to me and knew what lolita was! She was very kind! I got very happy! For what it seems I am famous in the supermarket (lol) because many people know who I am and even visit my Instagram!

Well, about the shopping, this is my small haul: a kanji training notebook, a pink comb and the jewel handle cup cover I wanted!
It was a very fun day~
Now, I am going back to my Stardew Valley farm. Bye!


  1. Ana, espero que você fique bem e possa voltar a se sentir melhor sempre. Não sei explicar muito bem, mas entendo como se sente, tenho tido episódios de depressão devido meus problemas e tá sendo um passinho de cada vez pra conciliar tudo aqui, mas desejo que você consiga dar passos cada vez mais largos em direção ao seu bem estar mental. 💕

    Bom final de semana! Se quiser conversar ou só ver os milhões de memes de gato que eu fico compartilhando, chama no Instagram: @ellenaulait e se não quiser, tá tudo bem também, vou sempre dar uma passadinha aqui quando puder. Melhoras! 🤗

    1. Obrigada querida! Estimo melhoras pra você também!


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