Friday, March 25, 2022

[Tag] My Dear Blog

I was tagged by Karyne from Crisalida blog to answer this tag!
Thank you so much Karyne!

The tag, created by the blog Isamateur, consists in answering the following questions in a paper, writing in your own calligraphy.

1. Write your name and current age.

2. Write the name of your blog.

3. Write your blog's url address.

4. In what year was your blog created?

5. How many followers do you have at the time of this post?

6. Write the name of your favorite post.

7. What's the best thing about having a blog?

8. Refer 3 blog friends to participate!

I didn't had a lot of space to write in, but, having a blog for me is something so cool!
I started in lolita in a time where everyone had a blog, so it was magical to see their discovers in lolita, their daily life, outfits, teachings, tutorials... I think that today, with the social networks people usually use, the contents aren't as good as they were when everyone had a blog. I really miss the "diary" style that is the signature of blogs. Even today I dig older blogs because they are so nice and inspiring! I really wish the blogs would make a comeback in the lolita community!

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