Sunday, February 24, 2019

Valentine's Meeting 2019

On february 10th we had the Valentine's Meeting from the São Paulo comm!
As I wanted to wear something that suited the date, I decided to wear a chocolate print. This was so nice, because with this print Vic and I could twin!

Bonnet: Chess Chocolate - Angelic Pretty
Wig: Aliexpress
Bow: selfmade
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Jsk: Chess Chocolate - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Twinkle Carnival - Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Accessories: Angelic Pretty, Chocomint and Swimmer

The meeting was very fun! I could met there some friends I haven't seen for a while, but stayed in the most part of the time with Yui, Jéssica and Renato!

Yui and Jéssica!

All the decoration was so pretty! There was even themed cups!

Me and Sayuri!

The girls made everything with so much love! 

It was so nice to twin with Vic! I loved it!

I can't wait for the next meetup! Even being so difficult to travel to São Paulo, it is always fun to see everybody!

ps.: thank you very much for the Valentines! I could only receive the one Andreza gave me because I had to go home earlier ;-;


  1. O meeting foi maravilhoso!! Você tava tão linda *3* Alias, vou passar as fotinhos hoje haha


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