Thursday, April 22, 2021

[OOTD] Get in loser, we're going shopping

Outfit I wore today to go shopping ~

Beret: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Top: Offbrand/ Pastel Cubes Sales
OP: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Angelic Pretty

Today I took the opportunity we just went out the purple emergency phase to buy some things. I bought a mini pink juice jug, a pink squeegee, some things for home like bowls, and food, like kare and furikake, but it would be so trivial to post, right?
Or not? 
These next ones are the cute things I bought at Daiso. Thanks God they were open, because I can't live without Daiso.
First, an A4 folder, because I am kinda enjoying more sewing so I decided to arrange all my patterns; last time I went to search for them they were a huge mess and I couldn't even identify what was what. Then, an iPhone cover, that is so cute omg. Next are scissors, this one looks good for embroidery; a washi tape and last but not least, some cookie cutters! I came to conclusion that I should make my own sweets after tasting some sweets from many local cafes and they funnily were all super oversugared. Awful, I think the guys from sugar cane farms should be sponsoring those cafes, God forbid.
If I start now, who knows if when the pandemic is over I can make the food for my mini meetups.
And finally that's me in front of a plushie catcher.
 The most beautiful thing I've heard today was while I was inside Daiso, a mother said to her children I looked like a doll. Those little things make my day.
Since I started to wear lolita everyday I haven't heard a single bad word, and man, I'm impressed.
Hope this continue like this.


  1. Linda, parecendo mesmo uma boneca! Gosto de ver imagens de coisinhas de casa também, se você se sentir à vontade para postar, adoraria ver! Amo cortadores de biscoito, sou louca pra comprar de ursinho e gatinho (inclusive já cheguei a fazer sugar cookies com esses formatos, fazendo cortadores com embalagem tetra pak de leite).
    Que bom que não tem recebido comentários negativos! Não entendo quem perde tempo ofendendo pessoas por suas vestimentas.

    1. Obrigada!!! Vou tentar postar mais as coisas que compro pra casa!


I love reading your comments! They make my day and make me inspired to post new things!