Thursday, April 15, 2021

[OOTD] Hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades

Outfit I am wearing today to work. Not going anywhere, but if I wait until I go somewhere to take pics with my bags, with the situation Brazil is, I will never wear them again.

Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Headclip: Chocomint
Blouse: offbrand/thrifted
JSK: Angelic Pretty
Accessories: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Alice and the Pirates
Shoes: Melissa + Vivienne Westwood
Bag: Larmes de Angel


  1. Linda! Agora só faltam os sanduichinhos em formato de cartas e rechados com géleia, que você postou outro dia.

    1. Obrigada!! Hahhahahahhahha pois é! Eu preciso comprar os cortadores de biscoito pra fazer! Até tenho um de coração aqui mas é muito grande pra fazer aquelas cartas!


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