Monday, August 8, 2022

[OOTD] Cake and Macarons

Outfit I am wearing today to go out ~
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Headclip: Chocomint
Necklace: Angelic Pretty
Bracelet: Cotton Candy Feet
Rings: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright / Chocomint
Blouse: offbrand/thrifted
JSK: Memorial Cake - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Angelic Pretty
Today I had to go out to solve some things and took advantage of it to just have some fun.
I was prepared to visit Jack's Cafe again, but in the middle of the way I remembered today was fuck!ng monday and they are closed on mondays.
As a brazilian popular saying says, if life gives you lemons, put in a glass with some cachaça, sugar and ice and make an alcoholic beverage out of it, so, I googled another cafe and found this one named GlaceArt.
When we got there I got a little bit disappointed, because Google's photos were a lot different than the place, but soon we found out they moved from the previous location recently. Luckily, while the decoration wasn't so awesome, the food really was! I ate a lot!
It was very cool to try a different cafe!
Also, I went to a store today and found this thing to dry salad leaves, in pink! I had to buy it!
While browsing the store, I received many compliments from the shop girls about my outfit! I got a little shy... But it was so happy~


  1. Seu outfit ficou muito fofinho! :)

  2. The headbow with the teapot and cup is awesome😍 I’m happy that you found a good alternative to your original plan. The photos of you and your husband together in the café are always so wholesome🥰

    1. Thank you so much! I really need to wear my accessories more (and photograph them lol)


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