Tuesday, August 2, 2022

[Sewing] Stupid Cake Hat

Today I took better pictures of the stupid cake hat I made yesterday.
I was tired of waiting for the Melty Chocolate cake hat to show up on second hand sales, and also I am trying to reduce the fabric pile I have at home, so I thought, "why not making my own damn cake hat?"
I used leftovers of materials I had at home, especially leftovers of lace fabric and leftovers of the wool I used to make a coat a long time ago.

I didn't wanted to spend not even a penny on this, so no felt fabric - one, because I am full of bills to pay, and two, because it would be more leftovers to handle later. I used some corduroy to make the letters and tried to embroider all around it. I still need to improve this hability, but looks just fine for the first attempt.
I also used some leftovers of pink pearls I had here. It was very satisfatory to embroider them all around the letters, and double satisfying when I used deffective pearls that had two pearls glued together - the ones I am not able to use to make necklaces. I feel that I am giving it a good use after all.

If you watch closely around the letters, you will see the lace pattern. Initially, I was going to paint the wool in a pink color, but again, I didn't wanted to spend money on this, so I sewed the lace over the wool to make it more pink. The improvised solution gave some texture to the cake after all. I used it on the top and on the sides. The lace was taken off a dress I was going to give away.
I am not very happy with the final result, maybe because that's too OTT for me; maybe because it was so damn tiring to make. But it is kinda cute looking. I just think I am going to need a huge wig to match with it, and maybe that's the reason I didn't liked it. Being a daily lolita is a lot more easier (and more comfy) than wearing an OTT outfit.


  1. Eu achei lindo! Realmente, ott é mais trabalhoso, mas tente com um cabelo um pouco mais volumoso que o normal, e se não curtir, aí teve um cabelo mais ott!

  2. Eu achei que ficou lindo! Fiquei bem curiosa sobre os suspiros. Ver as coisinhas handmade das lolitas me dá uma vontade de trabalhar em alguma coisa. Faz um tempinho que não faço algo assim. Seu trabalho está muito fofo, parabéns!!!

    1. Awww obrigada! Os suspiros eu fiz com lã de casaco ^^

  3. Teu cake hat me inspirou a costurar um também ^_^ acho lindo demais!!!


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