Wednesday, November 30, 2022

[Got Lolita] Angelic Pretty Parasol and Otome no Sewing mooks

So, these are the lolita items I got yesterday!

First item is the Angelic Pretty Heart Logo Polka Dot Print Umbrella, from 2008, that I traded with a friend. 
This umbrella is so gorgeous! It will look amazing with my strawberry lolita prints! And of course, with my always growing collection of red pieces!
And then, THREE volumes of Otome no Sewing Book! I am so happy to have found them! now my collection miss only three more volumes, and then it will be complete ^^.
I can't wait to try these patterns! I have a little pile of fabric that I want to get rid of, so I hope there is enough material to sew something ^^


  1. That parasol is so cute! Good luck with your sewing, can't wait to see what you make.

  2. Esse parasol tem história! ❤️ Ele era meu, que comprei da Akemi e aí acabei passando pra frente. Muito feliz em ver que chegou em boas mãos 🥰❤️


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