Thursday, June 20, 2024

April's lost coords

I kinda miss posting here, but there's too many delayed posts I keep finding it hard to keep updated, so I'll just drop some coords today.

April 12th

We went to a vegan snacks bar in a nearby city.
Mini Hat - Alice and the Pirates
Blouse: thrifted
JSK: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes and bag: CCF

April 18th

We went to Pedreira, Campinas and Holambra. I bought some stuff at Daiso and ate at my favorite café in Pedreira and Holambra.

Headband: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse: thrifted
JSK: Bodyline
Socks: Emily Temple Cute
Shoes: Axes Femme
Bag: CCF


April 22th

We went to a vegetarian restaurant. It was so cool!
Headband: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Accessories: Chocomint
JSK: Unknown
Socks: Milk
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: CCF

1 comment:

  1. Amei o último coord mais escuro!! Todos estão lindos, mas gosto bastante dos seus coords com preto e azul escuro, haha! Da lista de lugares, Holambra eu já fui e é maravilhoso, né? Fui numa época que tinha festa das flores por lá, realmente muito incrível o evento.


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