Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Lolitas in Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


This anime was an indication by my friend Rossela, so thank you so much dear!

Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase is about a japanese freelancer photographer, named Kouhei Morioka, who was in a trip to photograph a haunted castle in Germany. In this castle he ends up freeing a little girl, Hazuki, who is actually a vampire and (tries to) make him her servant, without much success. I will not talk much about it, because there will be a lot of spoilers, but the main theme in the anime is Kouhei trying to protect Hazuki.

This anime aired in Japan between 2004 and 2005 and was based in a manga of same name.

The Lolita Clothes

While in the begining of the anime you see Hazuki wearing lolita clothes (in a very otaku way, specifically the nekomimi headdress), during the anime there are a few other occasions she wears lolita clothes (without any mention to the style), but usually she wears cute clothes and sometimes maid clothes, so lolita is not her main style - if we could say that she has a main style.

Elfriede-san, another vampire we met during the anime, usually wears more lolita-inspired clothes than Hazuki in my oppinion. Her style is more something Moitié-like, so much that in one episode we see somethink shaped like a candelabra a la Moitié on her dress' collar, but I am not sure it is actually a candelabra because the quality of the videos I watched are very bad. But it surely resembles one a lot.
What I could say about the lolita clothes in general is that they are inspired on the time the anime was made, 2004-2005, so the designs just make sense. I think that all this vampire stuff screams lolita, don't you think? Maybe that's why they choose to make some outfits inspired in it.
Also, spoiler! But a character that will show up almost in the end of the anime also wears something inspired in lolita, but not very accurate - and this pink hair screams otaku to me, I can't help. Of the three girls who wear lolita inspired clothing, this is the one I think it was the one that less resembles lolita fashion. But I will just mention it here to be registered.
Story wise, it wasn't my favorite anime, but I am suspect to talk because I am not a huge anime fan, I only watch what has something to do with lolita, so maybe you should watch it and take your own conclusions.
But there is it, I hope it helps someone in the future, who's maybe looking for lolitas in animes.

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