Wednesday, December 20, 2023

[Got Lolita] Macaron et Madeimoselle - Dear Deer OP

 Yay, I got a new dress!
This is Macaron et Madeimoselle's Dear Deer OP!

This is a very cute dress I found second hand the other day.
While it looks simple, it really looks so luxurious and adorable. I don't know why, but it reminds me of Gyaru. Maybe the fake fur?
The fake fawn fur colar is detachable, so you can use the dress in two ways.
The embroidered detail is simple, but lovely! I love the snowflakes.
The only thing I would like to mention is that the Lolibrary lenght measurements are so wrong, like 10cm shorter than listed - at least for the size XL (this one). I got really surprised when it arrived, but I didn't mind, because while it can be an inconvenience to lolita, it can be very convenient to me, as I can wear it in a more sexy way outside lolita (I got rid of almost all my normal clothes, so sometimes I want to dress normal), and in a lolita way, wearing an underskirt with it. I am planning to sew an underskirt in a similar color, so I will have a very versatile dress!
The seller sent a cute gift and a cute note! I love it!
I'm happy this dress came to the right person - me lol - because I don't think it would be so loved and appreciated, and useful, as it will be to me. I don't know if another lolita would take its lenght so nicely as I do. The universe made its part.

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