Saturday, December 9, 2023

[OOTD] Christmas Shopping ~

Outfit I am wearing today to go out ~

Mini hat: offbrand
Blouse: offbrand / thrifted
JSK: Eternal Carnival - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Alice and the Pirates
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet

Today I went out to a mall distant like, one and a half hour from here, to buy presents for a friend.
I choose a light colored outfit, so I could match the Mall's decoration on purpose haha.

Well, I could foresee the hot weather, but I couldn't imagine (maybe I should have), the amount of people e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. A mother literally dragged her kid as a trash bag that the poor kid colided to the bag I was carrying next to my body; Everything you wanted to do had a waiting line; My Miniso's good luck of finding Sanrio merchandise was over, maybe because now it's school vacations and mothers fulfill the mall with their kids, and kids absolutely love cute things, so it was hard to find something lovely to gift my friend.
The good parts - more or less actually- is that I found a Portuguese Bakery I love and could buy some Pastéis de Belém, BUT I couldn't sit inside the bakery because there were too much people. And I could technically take a few photos next to the Christmas decorations, but it was so hard because there were people everywhere, coming out of sewers lol. To have lunch was so complicated too. But I am happy I could take beautiful photos and go out from home a little.
I will post the gifts I bought for my friend in the next post ^^
I was so tired when I arrived home that I don't even trained cello. Now, tomorrow I will have to make two trainings of two hours each. God help me.


  1. This is why I hate Christmas markets - so many people. And everyone acts like it´s a moshpit. But still, you looked amazing, I would be suprised if there was anyone more stylish in that mall :D.

    1. Aww thank you so much! Yes, this time of the year is crazy 0.0 I am not planning going anywhere in public besides the supermarket until the second week of next year

  2. Que outfit mais lindo :3 essas mangas de bolinha transparente parecem ser bem boas de usar no calor também!

    Shopping essa época de final do ano é um caos mesmo, vc sobreviveu à essa loucura, encontrou presentes e ainda achou uns pastéis de nata gostosos, já dá pra comemorar!

    (espero que você consiga treinar cello!)

    1. Obrigada!!! Ah, não vejo a hora dessa época passar, odeio natal


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